For memory
اولا أخبار حلوة بعد مرور 3 سنين علي الحادثة اللي مريت بيهافي بولندا بمرها و حلوها عند الكاترة و العمليات اللي عملتها طول الفترة اللي فاتت انتهت مش كلها اكيد، بس انا قررت اني انهي الموال اللي انا فيه و اتقبل نفسي مع ان ده موضوع صعب جدا اني اتقبل نفسى بس اه اديني بحاول، اكتر حاجة مش مصداقاها اني خلاص مش هاروح للدكتور تاني بتاع الاسنان مخصوص، انا خلاص كنت بجيب جاز بس نحمد الرب علي كل شيء ، دي كانت تجربة مؤلمة قوي اضطريت اني امر بيها ايام كتير اتمنيت الموت بس صحيح المثل اللي بيقول اللي ما يقتلكش بيقويك، و ده حصل معايا، ودلوقتي انا انسانة تانية غير اللي كانت اقوي من زمان مش عارفة اذا ده كويس ولا لاء بس عرفت حاجات كتير قوي عن نفسي لانها مكنتش رحلة عند الكاترة و بس ، كانت رحلة بحث عن باتول اللي ضاعت في و سط الزحمة ز
شكر خاص لجوزي و اهله و اهلي و لصحابنا اللي وقفوا معايا و لكل حد كان بقويني وقت ما كنت بكون ضعيفة و مش قادرة اكمل المشوارو شكرا لكل الصلوات و الدعوات و أ خيرا بشكر الرب علي الصحة و الحياة اللي اديهالي و يا رب اقدر احافظ عليها
للذكري الهباب و ايام العذاب
Good News
3 years Have passed since that accident I had here in poland,Finally it has ended with its bitterness & sweetnes. I still couldn't believe when I were last time at the Dr and he said we have finished our work and I we wouldn't see each other again, I'm hoping that its true....
well since it's too difficult to believe and I still can't wrap my mind about it and accept it, even for me it's difficult to believe it that no more operations, no more pain to feel ...... I were almost finished out of my fuel to keep going, in depression almost trying to pass everything, but as the prvoerb says what doesn't kill you make you more stronger, well it's true for me, I became another person & changed to what I've been more stronger, I got to knew a lot of things about my self , what I want.... it weren't only a journey for my health at the dr's but also a journey searching for myself, accepting my self, finding me in the mess of all the surrounding and life.
thanks to you god for everything u gave me.
well at the end I would like to dedicate many thanks especially to my husband who stood by me and suffered with me and endured me when I were angry and frustrated and in depression, thanks for your support my love, thanks to our family, to our friends who stood by me in my weakness and supported me when I needed to go on in that journey.
finally thanks god for the gift of health I do appereciate it and hope to do my best to keep it.
for the memory and the suffering days
Ohhh ,, what's a good news after years & years of recovering, life full of experiments the smart one which gain the experience from affliction.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for u batool, may god protect u form any harm & wishing u all the best forever-after, just take a good care of urself. With god bless
ReplyDeleteالمهم انك تتقبلى الى اتعمل لانه اكيد مش حيكون زى الاصل
و تديها ابتسامات بقى :-))علشان تزغليلى الناس :-)
Noga thnx for ur wishes, & hope to be from the smart ones :)
ReplyDeleteالله يبارك فيكي يا واندتي :) أكيد الاصل أحسن ب لازم نتقبل بقي التقليد لان لاصل كان في البايباي ، لازم بقي نحتفل يا واندتي